Would I be happy to study/debug/extend your code?
(lines starting with a @ are personal feeling, the others not so much, I hope)
The higher the best, positive ranks look like quality code.
Do you use a versioning system (git, svn, cvs, ...) no=-15
If no, will I come to work at your desk? no=-15
- that means email file sharing ... :-(
@Do you use GIT? yes=+15
Do you commit feature by feature? yes=+20
- git blame is documentation!
Coding Style
Is your code steadily indented? no=-30
- Python devs, skip this question ;-)
Is your code well spaced? no=-30
- no doubles spaces --except indentation--, no (␣ or ␣), always ␣=␣, ...
Are all (max 2-3) variables more than 3-letter long? no=-15
Do you follow the same coding convention all over your code? no=-10
Do you follow an official coding convention all over your code? yes=+30
- @Is it C/Python/LaTeX code? yes=+10
@Is it PHP or JS code? yes=-10
Do you have functions with more than 30 parameters? yes=-30
Do your functions have in average <6 parameters? no=-15
Are your function bodies < one screen of LOC? no=-15
Can I easily spot copied-past-adapted code blocks (<3 LOC)? yes=-5 per block
Can I easily spot duplicated code blocks (<3 LOC)? yes=-10 per block
- if (test){do_a;do_z}else{do_c;do_z}
@Do you use a Linux/Unix-based OS? no=-40
- I will not be able to use most of my favorite tools!
[if applies] Do you have a build system (Makefile)? no=-30
Can you compile in an (external) build directory? yes=+20
Are all of your source files text-based? no=-20
- I can't grep, diff, ... in OpenOfficeCalc for instance
Do you have unit tests/non regression testsuite? yes=+30