(gdb) break *0x972

Debugging, GNU± Linux and WebHosting and ... and ...

Looking for a Developer/Researcher Position in April 2017

Monday, May 02, 2016 - No comments

My contract with the University of Grenoble ends at the end of March 2017, so I'm looking for a developer/researcher position in Grenoble area, or remotely, in the field of debugging tools, but also runtime environments, compilers, verification & validation for HPC and embedded systems.

A printer-friendly version of my CV is also available. Non (or more) anonymized versions can also be generated on demand.

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The University of Grenoble between the Mountains

Wednesday, August 05, 2015 - No comments

Since the beginning of my PhD program in 2015, I'm working on the campus(es) of the University of Grenoble. Grenoble is located in a basin in the middle of 3 mountain ranges, Belledonne (the highest, with many rocky summit above 2000m) and Chartreuse and Vercors, more modest but also greener.



One of the Computer Science "campus" is located in Montbonnot, aside from the city:

  • the former ENSIMAG building (not part of the University anymore)

That building has been sold now :( Nice view

  • and the INRIA building

The INRIA building

The main campus

The main campus is closer to the city center, but also lets you enjoy the view of the mountains:

the facutly of Litterature

It's also close to the Isere river:

Isere river

The Giant campus

Lately (one year ago), we moved to the GIANT campus, on the other side of the city, inside the CEA facilities. We're now closer to Chartreuse and Vercors mountain ranges, although they're behind fences and buildings ...

  • Chartreuse mountain, le Neron, a very vertigeous hike I didn't try yet


  • Vecors mountain, le Moucherotte, a nice hike!


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Presentation at MAD'14

Monday, October 13, 2014 - No comments

Last week I presented my thesis work at the 2nd workshop on Multicore Application Debugging (MAD)

In this presentation, we introduce our novel approch to improve interactive debugging of multicore and embedded systems. Relying on programming-model and runtime-environment structures, model-centric debugging aims at providing high-level representation, inspection and control mechanisms, tailored to the abstraction level used to develop modern applications.

We present the model-independent requirements that drove the design of our prototype tool, mcGDB, and discuss the important aspects of the development of the implementation. Finally, in the context of an industrial MPSoC platform, we present a programming model for dynamic dataflow computing and illustrate how we applied the concepts of model-centric debugging to its runtime environment. We also describe the usage of our tool through the debugging session of a h264 video decoder.

* Debugging model-based software ⇒ that's for me :-)

* Presentation (15')
* Call for Paper

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PhD Thesis defended :-)

Monday, February 03, 2014 - No comments

Today, my PhD thesis was accepted ! I'm now Doctor of the University of Grenoble, es Informatique !

PhD Thesis presentation slide

Programming-Model Centric Debugging for multicore embedded systems

In this thesis, we propose to study interactive debugging of applications running on embedded systems Multi-Processor System on Chip (MPSoC). A literature study showed that nowadays, the design and development of these applications rely more and more on programming models and development frameworks. These environments gather established algorithmic and programming good-practices, and hence speed up the development process of applications running on MPSoC processors. However, sound programming models are not always sufficient to reach or approach error-free codes, especially in the case of dynamic programming, where they offer little to no help.

Our contribution to lighten these challenges consists in a novel approach for interactive debugging, named Programming Model-Centric Debugging, as well as a prototype debugger implementation. Model-centric debugging raises interactive debugging to the level of programming models, by capturing and interpreting events generated during the application execution (e.g. through breakpointed API function calls). We illustrate how we applied this approach to three different programming models, software components, dataflow and kernel-based programming. Then, we detail how we developed a debugger prototype based on GDB, for STMicroelectronics's STHORM programming environment. STHORM development toolkit provides supportive environments for component, dataflow and kernel-based programming. We also demonstrate how to tackle software debugging with our debugger prototype through four case studies: an augmented reality feature tacker built with components, a dataflow implementation of the H.264 video decoding standard and two scientific HPC computing applications.

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Thesis Defense Invitation

Friday, January 10, 2014 - No comments

J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse intitulée: Programming-Model Centric Debugging for Multicore Embedded Systems (Mise au point centrée sur le modèle de programmation pour les systèmes embarqués multicœurs)

La soutenance aura lieu le lundi 3 février à 10h30 à l'amphithéâtre F22, dans bâtiment F de l'UFR IM²AG, 60 rue de la Chimie, Domaine Universitaire de Saint-Martin-d’Hères, 38041 Grenoble

Vous êtes également conviés au pot qui suivra.


Kevin Pouget

Vous trouverez la composition de jury et le résumé ci-dessous.

M. Jean-François MEHAUT UJF-CEA/LIG Directeur de thèse M. Miguel SANTANA STMicroelectronics CoDirecteur de thèse M. Radu PRODAN University of Insbruck Rapporteur M. François BODIN Irisa Rapporteur M. Rainer LEUPERS RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Examinateur M. Noël DE PALMA University Joseph Fourier Examinateur

Mots-clés : Programmation multicœurs,Informatique embarquée,Mise au point,


In this thesis, we propose to study interactive debugging of applications running on embedded systems Multi-Processor System on Chip (MPSoC). A literature study showed that nowadays, the design and development of these applications rely more and more on programming models and development frameworks. These environments gather established algorithmic and programming good-practices, and hence speed up the development process of applications running on MPSoC processors. However, sound programming models are not always sufficient to reach or approach error-free codes, especially in the case of dynamic programming, where they offer little to no help. Our contribution to lighten these challenges consists in a novel approach for interactive debugging, named Programming Model-Centric Debugging, as well as a prototype debugger implementation. Model-centric debugging raises interactive debugging to the level of programming models, by capturing and interpreting events generated during the application execution (e.g. through breakpointed API function calls). We illustrate how we applied this approach to three different programming models, software components, dataflow and kernel-based programming. Then, we detail how we developed a debugger prototype based on GDB, for STMicroelectronics’s STHORM programming environment. STHORM development toolkit provides supportive environments for component, dataflow and kernel-based programming. We also demonstrate how to tackle software debugging with our debugger prototype through four case studies: an augmented reality feature tacker built with components, a dataflow implementation of the H.264 video decoding standard and two scientific HPC computing applications.

Résumé :

Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'étudier le débogage interactif d'applications pour les systèmes embarqués MPSoC (Multi-Processor System on Chip). Une étude de l'art a montrée que la conception et le développement de ces applications reposent de plus en plus souvent sur des modèles de programmation et des frameworks de développement. Ces environnements définissent les bonnes pratiques, tant au niveau algorithmique qu'au niveau des techniques de programmation. Ils améliorent ainsi le cycle de développement des applications destinées aux processeurs MPSoC. L'utilisation de modèles de programmation ne garantit cependant pas que les codes pourront être exécutés sans erreur, en particulier dans le cas de la programmation dynamique, où ils offrent très peu d'aide a la vérification. Notre contribution pour résoudre ces challenges consiste en une nouvelle approche pour le débogage interactif, appelée Programming Model-Centric Debugging, ainsi qu'une implémentation d'un prototype de débogueur. Le débogage centré sur les modèles rapproche le débogage interactif du niveau d'abstraction fourni par les modèles de programmation, en capturant et interprétant les évènements générés pendant l'exécution de l'application. Nous avons appliqué cette approche sur trois modèles de programmation, basés sur les composants logiciels, le dataflow et la programmation d'accélérateur par kernels. Ensuite, nous détaillons comment nous avons développé notre prototype de débogueur, basé sur GDB, pour la programmation de la plate-forme STHORM de STMicroelectronics. Nous montrons aussi comment aborder le débogage basé sur les modèles avec quatre études de cas : un code de réalité augmentée construit à l'aide de composants, une implémentation dataflow d'un décodeur vidéo H.264 et deux applications de calcul scientifique.

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Wednesday, January 01, 2014 - No comments

PhD Thesis

  • Kevin Pouget. Programming-Model Centric Debugging for Multicore Embedded Systems. PhD thesis, Université de Grenoble, Ecole Doctorale MSTII, feb 2014. PDF

Research Articles

On debugging:


  • The Mont-Blanc prototype: An Alternative Approach for HPC Systems. The Mont-Blanc project Team. In SuperComputing'16 (SC16), Salt Lake City, USA. Nov 2016. (to appear)

Short Papers

  • A novel approach for interactive debugging of dynamic dataflow embedded applications. Kevin Pouget, Patricia Lopez Cueva, Miguel Santana, and Jean-François Méhaut. In Proceedings of the 28th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), Coimbra, Portugal, apr 2013. PDF
  • Vérification interactive de propriétés à l'exécution d'un programme avec un débogueur Raphaël Jakse, Yliès Falcone, Jean-François Méhaut et Kevin Pouget, in COMPAS national conference, Lorient, France, July 2016. (to appear)


On debugging:

  • Kevin Pouget, Jean-François Méhaut and Miguel Santana. Programming-Model Centric Debugging for OpenMP in COMPAS national conference. Lorient, France, July 2016. (to appear)
  • Kevin Pouget, Patricia Lopez Cueva, Miguel Santana, and Jean-François Méhaut. A novel approach for interactive debugging of dynamic dataflow embedded applications. In Proceedings of the 28th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), pages 1547–1549, Coimbra, Portugal, apr 2013. PDF


  • D. Peter, B. Videau, K. Pouget, D. Komatitsch. 2015. Forward and adjoint spectral-element simulations of seismic wave propagation using hardware accelerators. Poster presented at PASC15, Zurich, Switzerland and at EGU, Vienna, Austria.


  • Kevin Pouget, Miguel Santana, and Jean-François Méhaut. Programming-Model Centric Debugging for Multicore Embedded Systems. At the 2nd workshop on Multicore Application Debugging (MAD), Athens, Greece, oct 2014. PDF
  • Kevin Pouget, Miguel Santana, and Jean-François Méhaut. Programming-Model Centric Debugging for Multicore Embedded Systems: OpenCL/Cuda Debugging. At the HPC GA workshop, Bordeaux, France, jan 2014
  • Kevin Pouget, Miguel Santana, and Jean-François Méhaut. Supporting Parallel Component Debugging Using the GDB Python Interface. At the 2nd GNU Cauldron, Prague, Czech Republic. jul 2012. PDF

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Thesis Sent to Reviewers

Friday, November 15, 2013 - No comments

Today my thesis was sent for reviewing to Rennes, France, and Innsbruck, Austria.

Now I need to wait a month or two to get the reviews.

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Thesis Outline Accepted

Tuesday, July 02, 2013 - No comments

Today my thesis outline got accepted by my advisors. That means that I can start writing 100+ pages of dissertation!

… bye-bye summer … !

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Research paper presented at SCOPES 2012

Monday, May 20, 2013 - No comments

Last week, I presented a research article at SCOPES 2012, St. Goar, Germany, talking about “Debugging Component-Based Embedded Applications”. A ten-page article was published in the workshop proceedings.

SCOPES received a total of 17 papers and has decided to accept 7 papers out of these 17 submissions. This gives an acceptance rate of 41%.

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