- GDB, please set a breakpoint on all my functions
- GDB scheduler locking, function calls and multi-threading
- i3 named workspaces
- Simple strace debugging
- Looking for a Developer/Researcher Position in April 2017
- Break if outside of section
- Extending Linux Perf Stat with LD_PRELOAD
- Riddle with Python 2/3 and GDB.py checkpoint-restart
- Photowall generator
- Tricks for Python debugger pdb
- Hacktoberfest 2015
- Simple GDB Extensions with Python
- Quiting ZSH not too quickly
- "Unrelated" problems: it only works with my unused variable!
- Starting systemd-nspawn Container from ArchLinux
- LD_PRELOAD interpolation and variadic functions
- Automatic SSL Certification with LetsEncrypt (and Bind9 zones)
- GDB and Frame-Filters: a bug and a quick fix
- Looking up Source-Code Lines from GDB/Python (and OpenMP complications)
- Install Archlinux Package without Internet Connection
- Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie ...
- Debugging with GDB: a real life example
- Probe effect: but it works with GDB!
- Bug with multiple threads running *inside* GDB
- The University of Grenoble between the Mountains
- GDB/Python: Executing Code Upon Events
- Computing Scubadiver Air Consumption
- What I Like with *nix OSes, II : Free and Open Source Software
- Web-hosting Configuration
- What I Like with *nix OSes: Programmability and Composability
- Gérard Berry : « L’ordinateur est complètement con » [Entretien Rue89]
- Disruption While Progamming and Side Projects [Comics]
- Understanding why Git Annex is busy with Strace
- GDB and C Preprocessor Macro
- Multiple Github Accounts and SSH Identities
- Server Monitoring with Monit
- Would I be happy to study/debug/extend your code?
- HTML Trick: Second Try with Element Inspector
- [Dev-tool configuration] i3 Window Manager
- [Dev-tools configuration] Git difftool
- [Dev-tools configuration] GDB's .gdbinit
- Zététique et debugging: le rasoir d'Occam
- Linux Kernel System Debugging, part 1: System Setup
- Run GDB until the Application Segfaults
- L'informatique et les standards et les formats ouverts
- Printing corrupted (scanned) PDF
- Solving administration problems with debugging tools (strace)
- Abort early or crash late
- How Does a C Debugger Work? (GDB Ptrace/x86 example)
- Bug(ging) and debugging
- HTML Trick: Show Hidden Password
- Working Hard
- Caught Working Hard
- Conditional Compiling in Latex based on Filename
- Just a Word about Free Cartography and OpenStreeMap...
- Finding a Bug with GDB (and mcGDB)
- Adblock et la Publicité ...
- Callstack from Userland to Kernel-space
- Add notification support to Owncloud Calendar with Selfloss (RSS aggregator)
- C'est quoi le debugging, en fait ?
- Presentation at MAD'14
- About me
- PhD Thesis defended :-)
- Thesis Defense Invitation
- Publications
- Thesis Sent to Reviewers
- WebAlbums TODO list
- Refactoring WebAlbums ViewSession interfaces, and MVC stuff
- Beginning with WebAlbums
- Installing WebAlbums
- First words about my WebAlbums photo manager project.
- Project: Igot-U GPS tracker to FUSE Filesystem (igotu2fs)
- Project: Meteo Data Plotter
- Contributing to WebAlbums
- Talk at GNU Cauldron 2012
- Linux Infrared Remote Control (LIRC) architecture
- Thesis Outline Accepted
- Research paper presented at SCOPES 2012
- Research article presented at HIPS 2013
- Poster presented at SAC 2013